Striped Bass with a SBRT dart tag in the dorsal fin - Carter 2016

Why Striped Bass?

Striped bass are a pleasant pastime for some and an obsession for others. Generations of anglers have fished the estuaries and shores of the Bay of Fundy in search of this prized catch, and Striped Bass touch many natural, economic, and cultural corners of the Maritimes. Striped Bass are a highly prized fish in the eyes of anglers, and are, therefore, very desirable for sport fishing. Anglers have been known to travel great distances, spending lots of money on bait, lures, rods, and reels just to get a chance to catch one. Their delicate white meat is extremely yummy, but with the demise of two thirds of the spawning populations in the Bay of Fundy, Striped Bass require heightened conservation efforts. Conservation is necessary so our children and their children to enjoy this wonderful fish.